Updated Progress On New Water Treatment Plant
Since the June 2020 update, most of the construction progress on the City’s new Water Treatment Plant has occurred indoors.
- The project is still tentatively on track for Spring 2021, but at least one pumping component is delayed overseas due to COVID-19.
Please review the gallery below for the latest progress, and click here to look at the updates from June.
Water Projects
Seven major water projects totaling approximately $24.87 million are in various stages of progress as of September 2020:
- New Water Treatment Plant (under construction)
- New Raw Water Transmission Main (completed summer 2020)
- Water Main Replacements on Rapids Street and Bryan Street (complete)
- Two New Wells (some work completed summer 2020)
- New Ground Storage Reservoir (under construction)
- New High Zone Water Main (securing easements)
- New High Service Pump (designing)
The City has worked closely with USDA Rural Development, which has provided highly competitive loans, historically low financing rates, and approximately $3.5 million in grant funds.
Water Watch/Warning
As of September 14, the Water Warning has been rescinded.
However, the Water Watch that was issued on July 7 is still in effect.
To avoid another Warning, please continue to take reasonable steps to limit your watering:
- Even-numbered houses should water on even-numbered days only, and odd-numbered houses on odd-numbered days only.
- Using this irrigation schedule, water your lawn between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. only.
Utility Rate Adjustments Begin With Bills Due October 20th
Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Garbage rates will change with the City utility bills due on October 20.
Please click here to review these details.
- Storm Sewer and Recycling rates will remain the same.
- The CWI and CSI debt surcharges have been discontinued.
Please Note: Some customers within Adel’s city limits are served by Xenia Rural Water District, which is a separate utility and water system.